Organised Events (5 items)
- Workshop “Spin glass identities” presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (23- 24/02/12) organizzato con i Proff. Pierluigi Contucci e Francesco Guerra.
- Conference “Five decades of theoretical physics: Looking forward looking backward” presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (27-28-29/09/12) organizzato con i Proff. Marcella Diemoz, Enzo Marinari, Giorgio Parisi, Giancarlo Ruocco.
- Workshop “Physicist investigation in immunology” presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (15-11-2012) organizzato con la Elena Agliari.
- Satellite Conference at the 13 European Conference on Complex Systems “Modelling the complexity of the Immune system”, organizzato con le Elena Agliari, Alessia Annibale ed il Prof. Ton Coolen at World Trade Center of Barcelona.
- Conference “Mathematical Physics: Theory & Applications” presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, organizzato con la Elena Agliari (Settembre 2014).
Invited Talks and Attended Conferences (33 items, in grassetto i titoli dei miei interventi)
- (2004) Invited talk: King's College London (UK), Department of Mathematics. "Cavity expansion around the critical temperature for mean field models with quenched disorder".
- (2005) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Bologna. "Aizenman-Contucci polynomials from Aizenman Variational Principle".
- (2005) Invited talk "Italy-Usa symposium: Interchange between M.I.T. and Sapienza students", Roma. "Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics for soft matter rheology".
- (2006) Two-time visitor at "Newton Institute for mathematical science" during the programme "Principles of the dynamics of non-equilibrium systems" Cambridge (UK).
- (2006) Invited Talk: GCI Group, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma. "Analitical Methods for Statistical Mechanics of systems with quenched disorder".
- (2008) Invited Talk: YEP-V workshop (Young European Probabilists) "Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures" EURANDOM, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. "Exploring the rheology of soft glasses at a mesoscopic level".
- (2008) Invited Talk at Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "Logit Estimation Parameters avoiding Maximum Likelihood".
- (2008) Invited Talk at Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "On the critical behavior of the mean field ferromagnet with dilution".
- (2008) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma. "Statistical mechanics techniques for solving equilibrium thermodynamics of complex systems".
- (2009) Workshop on Statistical Mechanics and Applications, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna.
- (2009) Conference: “Evolution and complexity”, Sapienza Università di Roma. Poster: "Strategic diffusive dynamics for information spreading in social networks".
- (2009) Invited talk: Conference: YEP-VI Banf, Canada. "An overview on double stochastic stability: application to bipartite and Hebbian models".
- (2009) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "Neural networks with analogic synapses".
- (2009) Invited Talk: King's College London, Department of Mathematics. "The replica symmetric behavior of the analogical Hopfield model".
- (2010) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna. "Autopoietic immune networks: a statistical mechanics perspective".
- (2010) Invited Talk: Workshop "Complessita' in Scienze della Vita e Scienze Socio-Economiche". "A walk from Burnet to Varela: statistical mechanics and bio-complexity".
- (2010) Invited talk: Conference "Statistical Physics of Complexity, Optimization and Biological infomation", Paris-Orsay, France. "The role of theoretical physics in modeling complex biology".
- (2011) Invited talk: Conference: Assemblea Nazionale GNFM, Montecatini. “A.L.P.S.: A thermodynamical perspective”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Panmind Lab. Siena. “A.L.P.S.: A thermodynamical perspective”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Workshop: Managing complexity, reducing perplexity. Heidelberg (Ge). “Relations among lymphocytosis and autoimmunity through statistical mechanics”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Department of Immunology and Allergology, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma. “Jerne versus Kitamura: A twenty years old puzzle analyzed by statistical mechanics”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Randall Division for System Biology, London, UK. “Jerne versus Kitamura. A twenty years old puzzle analyzed by statistical mechanics”.
- (2012) Invited Talk: Conference: “Disorder in Probability and Statistical Mechanics”, Modena. “A statistical mechanics approach to migrant's integration phenomenon in social science”.
- (2012) Workshop “Spin glass identities” held at Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (Organizing committee A. Barra, P. Contucci, F. Guerra).
- (2012) Conference: “Mechanics: Classical, statistical and quantum”. Conference in honour of Giovanni Galavotti 70 birthday. Roma
- (2012) “Conference: Five decades of theoretical physics: Looking backward looking forward”, Conference in honour of Francesco Guerra 70 birthday. Roma. (Organizing committee A.Barra, M.Diemoz,E.Marinari,G.Parisi,G.Ruocco).
- (2012) Invited talk: Moma Colloquia, 2-hours lecture presso Mathematics Department of Sapienza Università di Roma. “The problem of self/non-self recognition by mature B-cells in theoretical immunology from a statistical mechanics perspective”
- (2013) Invited talk at CNR Rome "From theoretical models to practical implementations: Statistical mechanics of immune networks on Labs on Chip technologies”
- (2013) Invited talk at the Workshop INdAM “Mathematical models & Metods for planet heart” "Highlighting the importance of mathematical methods in social prevention: Two simple examples from the worlds of migration phenomena and medical screening procedures”
- (2013) Conference: “Large deviations and rare events in physics and biology”. September 23-25, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2013) Organizer and chair of the satellite roundtable at: European conference on Complex Systems and Satellite: Theoretical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-20.
- (2013) Conference: Disorder and correlations in quantum systems, September 18-20, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2013) Conference: The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo, September 12-13, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2014) Conference: Biophysics @Rome 2014. I opened the Conference with the talk "Finitely connected lymphocyte networks within the Immune System"
- (2014) Conference: Conferenza Nazionale di Fisica Matematic (GNFM Annual Meeting) Montecatini May 2014.
- (2014) Summer School in Mathematical Physics: Scuola di Ravello (Settembre 2014).
- (2014) Fourth workshop in Stochastic modeling, ICMC - USP, San Paulo, Brasil, (Novembre 2014), talk "A walk in theoretical immunology with statistical physics glasses"
- (2014) Conference: Mathematical Physics, From theory to applications, Sapienza University of Rome (September 2014). Together with E. Agliari I am the organizer.
- Tullio Levi Civita Lectures 2014, Sapienza University of Rome (October 2014).