Download my CV as a pdf-file: click here. (May2024)
Download the main branches of my research: click here. (May2023)
Download the list of my publications: click here. (May2023)
Download the main branches of my research: click here. (May2023)
Download the list of my publications: click here. (May2023)
Personal Information
Name: Adriano Barra
Address 1: Via Salaria 190, 00198, Roma, Italia. Address 2: Corte dei Sybaris 4, 73100, Lecce, Italia
E-mail-1: [email protected] E-mail-2: [email protected]
Birth's date: 06/11/1977 Birth's place: Roma
Address 1: Via Salaria 190, 00198, Roma, Italia. Address 2: Corte dei Sybaris 4, 73100, Lecce, Italia
E-mail-1: [email protected] E-mail-2: [email protected]
Birth's date: 06/11/1977 Birth's place: Roma
2004 Laurea in Fisica (teorica) presso Sapienza Università di Roma
Bachelor + Master in (Theoretical) Physics at Sapienza Università di Roma
Specialization: disordered and complex systems
Key courses:
Fisica dei sistemi disordinati (Disordered Systems). Prof. Enzo Marinari
Teoria di campo quanto-relativistica (Relativistic quantum fields). Prof. Nicola Cabibbo
Reti neurali (Neural Networks). Prof. Daniel J. Amit
Calcolo delle probabilita' (Probability). Prof. Giorgio Parisi
Fisica dei sistemi dinamici (Dynamical systems). Prof. Angelo Vulpiani
Titolo della tesi di laurea: "Principi variazionali per i vetri di spin in campo medio”.
Title of the thesis "Variational principles for mean field spin glasses"
(Advisors) Relatore: Prof. Francesco Guerra. Controrelatore: Prof. Gianni Jona-Lasinio.
2004 Winner of a IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) grant.
2005 Starting time for the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at King's College University of London.
2007 Submission of Ph.D. thesis in “Applied Mathematics” at King's College University of London.
Advisors: Prof. Peter Sollich, Prof. Ton Coolen. Referees: Prof. Alan Bray, Prof. Reimer Kuhen
Title of the thesis: “Mean field spin glasses: exact results without the replica trick”.
2008 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. Evaluation: “Maximum score”.
Bachelor + Master in (Theoretical) Physics at Sapienza Università di Roma
Specialization: disordered and complex systems
Key courses:
Fisica dei sistemi disordinati (Disordered Systems). Prof. Enzo Marinari
Teoria di campo quanto-relativistica (Relativistic quantum fields). Prof. Nicola Cabibbo
Reti neurali (Neural Networks). Prof. Daniel J. Amit
Calcolo delle probabilita' (Probability). Prof. Giorgio Parisi
Fisica dei sistemi dinamici (Dynamical systems). Prof. Angelo Vulpiani
Titolo della tesi di laurea: "Principi variazionali per i vetri di spin in campo medio”.
Title of the thesis "Variational principles for mean field spin glasses"
(Advisors) Relatore: Prof. Francesco Guerra. Controrelatore: Prof. Gianni Jona-Lasinio.
2004 Winner of a IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) grant.
2005 Starting time for the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at King's College University of London.
2007 Submission of Ph.D. thesis in “Applied Mathematics” at King's College University of London.
Advisors: Prof. Peter Sollich, Prof. Ton Coolen. Referees: Prof. Alan Bray, Prof. Reimer Kuhen
Title of the thesis: “Mean field spin glasses: exact results without the replica trick”.
2008 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. Evaluation: “Maximum score”.
Working experiences inside Universities
-Winner of a 12-months grant at Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Bologna to develop mathematical techniques for tackling social complexity ("weapons of mass controls"). Scientific reference: Prof. Pierluigi Contucci.
-Winner of a 12-months grant at Dipartimento di Fisica di Sapienza Università di Roma to study spin-glasses on complex networks. Scientific reference: Prof. Francesco Guerra.
-Selected by “Elsevier” to work within the "Elsevier Communispace" experience (18 months collaboration).
-Member of GNFM (Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica), IndAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica).
-Winner of a "Contratto di Collaborazione a Progetto" (Co.Co.Pro.) at Edenet onlus "Scuola Politecnica Superiore Internazionale per l'Energia, l'Ambiente e lo Sviluppo".
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-Winner of a 2-years post-doc position at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Università di Roma. Scientific reference: Prof. Francesco Guerra.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-Winner of the FIRB grant “Futuro in Ricerca di Base” with the project “Meccanica statistica di reti linfocitarie sottopercolate” (Statistical mechanics of underpercolated lymphocyte's networks), as both Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Roma1 research's cluster.
-Visiting researcher presso LPTMS Université Paris-Sud, Centre scientifique d'Orsay, invitated by Prof. Silvio Franz.
-“Professore a contratto” to teach “Metodi matematici 1” and “Fisica del suono” at Politecnico Internazionale Scientia et Arts”.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Winner of the grant "Fondo d'Ateneo (Sapienza)" with the project “Confronto tra teoria ed esperimento per la meccanica statistica complessa nella sua applicazione allo studio del sistema immunitario." (Comparison between theory and experiments for statistical mechanics applied to the study of the immune system).
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aereospaziale of Sapienza Università di Roma (Course leader Prof. E. Del Re).
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aereospaziale di Sapienza Università di Roma (course leader Prof. F. Trequattrini)
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-“Invited Professor” at Department of Computational Biology at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
to held the course “Mathematical methods for complex systems”. Scientific reference: Prof. Erik Aurell.
-Winner of the grant "Fondo d'Ateneo (Sapienza)" with the project “Applicazioni della meccanica statistica dei sistemi complessi a fenomeni biologici." (Application of statistical mechanics of complex systems to biological phenomena)
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente e Territorio di Sapienza Università di Roma (Course leader Prof. Paolo Postorino).
-Teacher (docente) of Fisica Generale 2 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrotecnica of Sapienza Università di Roma, (Course leaders: myself and Dott. Andrea Mostacci (Ingegneria)).
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “spin glass polynomial from entropic constraints” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2012". LINK HERE
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Visitor at Nordita, Stockholm.
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-“Invited Professor” at Department of Mathematics dell’Università di Helsinki to held the course “Diluted Spin Glasses” (Settembre 2013). (I had to decline due to a constraint with Roma1).
-Rapporteur of multiple classes with topic "spin glasses" for the course "Physics of Complex Systems", University of Parma.
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “Immune networks: multitasking capabilities close to saturation” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2013". LINK HERE
-Board Member of the "Consulta Editoriale dell'Associazione Italiana del Libro".
-Membro of the Complex System Society.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Mathematical Physics" at Istituto Nazionale d'Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi" Roma.
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Mathematical Physics by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Winner of conference's grant by GNFM (to handle "Mathematical Physics: From Theory to Applications").
-Invited Professor at Imera, Marseilles (FR) to held a course on "stochastic modeling in theoretical immunology".
-Long term visitor at ICMC - USP & UFSCar / São Carlos, SP, Brazil
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “A solvable mean field model of a Gaussian spin glass” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2014". LINK HERE
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Mathematical Physics" at Istituto Nazionale d'Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi" Roma.
-Invited to join the Community at the trimester Henri' Poincarè "Disordered System, Random Spatial Processes and Some Applications" (Paris, FR).
-Invited to write a review (special/topic edition of JPhysA) for IOP on "Statistical mechanical approaches in theoretical immunology".
-Board Member of the "Comitato Scientifico" for the magazine "Scienze&Ricerche" (attestato)
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2015". LINK HERE
-Elected fellow of Institut d'ètudes avanceès IMèRA (Marseille) [final list: here there is one fellow per discipline] to share work on the research Cibernetic Immunology.
-Editor (2016/2017) for the Scientific Pages of Artificial Intelligence and Journal of Immune Research
-Our book Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics is available at World Scientific: link here.
-I moved to the Computer Science Department (within Dipartimento di Informatica, Sapienza Università di Roma)
-Member of the jury for the final session of "Premio Nazionale per la Divulgazione Scientifica 2016" (CNR-Rome, 15/12/16).
-Professor of the PhD course at the Computer Science Department of Sapienza Università di Roma "Neural Networks for NLP"
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Scienze&Ricerche"
-Invited Professor at the winter schol of Universidad de los Andes (June-July) to held the course "Statistical Mechanics for Artificial Intelligence" (had to decline for teaching constraints)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics for Biologists (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks for Mathematicians and Physicists (master course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Advisory board for the Helmholtz Professorship of Prof. Dr. Moritz Helias
-Winner of a research tenure track at Ton Duc Thang University (Saigon) [that I had to decline]
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Scienze&Ricerche"
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Ithaca" dell'Università del Salento
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Applied Physics by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Responsible for the Complex Systems Society for the UniSalento pole.
-Winner of "Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca" by the M.I.U.R.
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Daniele Lotito (I anno)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics for Biologists (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Statistics for Mathematicians (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks for Mathematicians and Physicists (master course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Professore dei corsi di allineamento in Matematica per Scienze Biologiche e Biotecnologiche
-Winner of the MIUR's grant FFABR2018 (Fondo di Finanziamento Attività di Ricerca)
-Winner of the Unisalento internal funding
-Membro della commissione d'same di Fisica dei Sistemi Non-Lineari (Martina/Landolfi)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Theoretical Physics of Matter by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Membro della Commissione d'esame del Dottorato in Matematica, Università del Salento
-Membro della Commissione d'esame del Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Università del Salento
-Membro dell'Editorial Board di Frontiers in Physics
-Visitatore del Santa Fe Institute (ospite del Prof. Sidney Redner)
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Daniele Lotito (II anno)
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Andrea D'Urbano (II anno)
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Mathematical Statistics (bachelor course in Mathematics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks (PhD course in Physics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Professor of "Biological Complexity" at the Scuola Superiore
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Membro della Commissione per l'attribuzione del Premio Soliani per la Fisica Teorica
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Guest Editor for Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical: link to the special issue
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-MIUR Referee ("valutatore") for the Covid-19 pandemia related research project, reprise-certificate
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC starting)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Guest Editor for Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical: link to the special issue
-Member of the Jury for the "Habilitation à diriger des rescherches" of C.N.R.S.
-Member of the Jury for the Ph.D. evaluation at Kavli Intitute for Neuroscience
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Mathematics I (bachelor course for Bio-Faculty, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Selezionato dall'INdAM per afferire al gruppo partecipante alla sua VQR
-Abilitato Professore di Prima Fascia per il settore concorsuale Fisica Matematica
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC, starting)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Scientific Commitee member per la conferenza Stochastic Models for Complex Systems (Mat06-side)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Organized of the workshop "Physics Informed Machine Learning" at the Alan Turing Institute
-Membro del CONISMA
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA 2022 (Novembre 2022, Università di Udine)
-Membro dell'Innovation Board di Mapworms (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, UniSalento, Lecce)
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC consolidator)
-PI of the MECI grant BULBUL: collaboration between UniSalento (Lecce) and Bar-Ilan (Tel-Aviv) to work out AI for health care.
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del CMCC
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Membro del CONISMA
-Membro dell'Innovation Board di Mapworms (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, UniSalento, Lecce)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA 2023 (Novembre 2023, Sapienza Roma)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Complex Systems (PhD course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-PI of the MECI grant BULBUL: collaboration between UniSalento (Lecce) and Bar-Ilan (Tel-Aviv) to work out AI for health care.
-PI of the Salento Pole for the PRIN grant Statistical Mechanics of Learning Machines: from algorithmic and information-theoretical
limits to new biologically inspired paradigms (20229T9EAT)
-Referee for the Spanish Government for the "Spanish Artificial Intelligence Program" (invitation letter)
-Enabled as Full Professor (ASN) in Applied Physics (Biophysics)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
-Referee for the Goverment of Spain (Ministry of Universities) for their research program in Artificial Intelligence
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato SBAI di Sapienza Università di Roma
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA-2024 (Novembre 2024, UniBolzano)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor of Europhysics Letters EPL
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Partial Differential Equations (master course in Medical and Electrical Engineering, Sapienza, with Prof. S. Carillo)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Dr. M. Pizzorusso)
-Professor of Dynamical Systems (within the course Mathematical Methods for Mechanics: bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Profs. D. Andreucci & E.N.M. Cirillo)
-Professor of Neural Networks & Learning Machines (PhD course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato SBAI di Sapienza Università di Roma
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Associate Editor of Europhysics Letters EPL
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Dr. M. Pizzorusso)
-Professor of Dynamical Systems (within the course Mathematical Methods for Mechanics: bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Profs. D. Andreucci & E.N.M. Cirillo)
-Professor of Neural Networks & Learning Machines (PhD course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
-Winner of a 12-months grant at Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Bologna to develop mathematical techniques for tackling social complexity ("weapons of mass controls"). Scientific reference: Prof. Pierluigi Contucci.
-Winner of a 12-months grant at Dipartimento di Fisica di Sapienza Università di Roma to study spin-glasses on complex networks. Scientific reference: Prof. Francesco Guerra.
-Selected by “Elsevier” to work within the "Elsevier Communispace" experience (18 months collaboration).
-Member of GNFM (Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica), IndAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica).
-Winner of a "Contratto di Collaborazione a Progetto" (Co.Co.Pro.) at Edenet onlus "Scuola Politecnica Superiore Internazionale per l'Energia, l'Ambiente e lo Sviluppo".
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-Winner of a 2-years post-doc position at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Università di Roma. Scientific reference: Prof. Francesco Guerra.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-Winner of the FIRB grant “Futuro in Ricerca di Base” with the project “Meccanica statistica di reti linfocitarie sottopercolate” (Statistical mechanics of underpercolated lymphocyte's networks), as both Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Roma1 research's cluster.
-Visiting researcher presso LPTMS Université Paris-Sud, Centre scientifique d'Orsay, invitated by Prof. Silvio Franz.
-“Professore a contratto” to teach “Metodi matematici 1” and “Fisica del suono” at Politecnico Internazionale Scientia et Arts”.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Winner of the grant "Fondo d'Ateneo (Sapienza)" with the project “Confronto tra teoria ed esperimento per la meccanica statistica complessa nella sua applicazione allo studio del sistema immunitario." (Comparison between theory and experiments for statistical mechanics applied to the study of the immune system).
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aereospaziale of Sapienza Università di Roma (Course leader Prof. E. Del Re).
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aereospaziale di Sapienza Università di Roma (course leader Prof. F. Trequattrini)
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-“Invited Professor” at Department of Computational Biology at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
to held the course “Mathematical methods for complex systems”. Scientific reference: Prof. Erik Aurell.
-Winner of the grant "Fondo d'Ateneo (Sapienza)" with the project “Applicazioni della meccanica statistica dei sistemi complessi a fenomeni biologici." (Application of statistical mechanics of complex systems to biological phenomena)
-Teacher (esercitatore) of Fisica Generale 1 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente e Territorio di Sapienza Università di Roma (Course leader Prof. Paolo Postorino).
-Teacher (docente) of Fisica Generale 2 at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrotecnica of Sapienza Università di Roma, (Course leaders: myself and Dott. Andrea Mostacci (Ingegneria)).
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “spin glass polynomial from entropic constraints” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2012". LINK HERE
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Theoretical Physics" at Dipartimento di Fisica of Sapienza Universita' di Roma.
-Visitor at Nordita, Stockholm.
-Winner of the GNFM "Progetto Giovani" grant ("Projects held by young researchers").
-“Invited Professor” at Department of Mathematics dell’Università di Helsinki to held the course “Diluted Spin Glasses” (Settembre 2013). (I had to decline due to a constraint with Roma1).
-Rapporteur of multiple classes with topic "spin glasses" for the course "Physics of Complex Systems", University of Parma.
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “Immune networks: multitasking capabilities close to saturation” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2013". LINK HERE
-Board Member of the "Consulta Editoriale dell'Associazione Italiana del Libro".
-Membro of the Complex System Society.
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Mathematical Physics" at Istituto Nazionale d'Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi" Roma.
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Mathematical Physics by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Winner of conference's grant by GNFM (to handle "Mathematical Physics: From Theory to Applications").
-Invited Professor at Imera, Marseilles (FR) to held a course on "stochastic modeling in theoretical immunology".
-Long term visitor at ICMC - USP & UFSCar / São Carlos, SP, Brazil
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “A solvable mean field model of a Gaussian spin glass” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2014". LINK HERE
-"Ricercatore a tempo determinato" in "Mathematical Physics" at Istituto Nazionale d'Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi" Roma.
-Invited to join the Community at the trimester Henri' Poincarè "Disordered System, Random Spatial Processes and Some Applications" (Paris, FR).
-Invited to write a review (special/topic edition of JPhysA) for IOP on "Statistical mechanical approaches in theoretical immunology".
-Board Member of the "Comitato Scientifico" for the magazine "Scienze&Ricerche" (attestato)
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Awarderd by Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) with the inclusion of the paper “Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network” (pubblished on Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical) in the "Highlights: best papers of the years 2015". LINK HERE
-Elected fellow of Institut d'ètudes avanceès IMèRA (Marseille) [final list: here there is one fellow per discipline] to share work on the research Cibernetic Immunology.
-Editor (2016/2017) for the Scientific Pages of Artificial Intelligence and Journal of Immune Research
-Our book Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics is available at World Scientific: link here.
-I moved to the Computer Science Department (within Dipartimento di Informatica, Sapienza Università di Roma)
-Member of the jury for the final session of "Premio Nazionale per la Divulgazione Scientifica 2016" (CNR-Rome, 15/12/16).
-Professor of the PhD course at the Computer Science Department of Sapienza Università di Roma "Neural Networks for NLP"
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Scienze&Ricerche"
-Invited Professor at the winter schol of Universidad de los Andes (June-July) to held the course "Statistical Mechanics for Artificial Intelligence" (had to decline for teaching constraints)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics for Biologists (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks for Mathematicians and Physicists (master course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Advisory board for the Helmholtz Professorship of Prof. Dr. Moritz Helias
-Winner of a research tenure track at Ton Duc Thang University (Saigon) [that I had to decline]
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Scienze&Ricerche"
-Membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista di divulgazione scientifica "Ithaca" dell'Università del Salento
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Applied Physics by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Responsible for the Complex Systems Society for the UniSalento pole.
-Winner of "Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca" by the M.I.U.R.
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Daniele Lotito (I anno)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics for Biologists (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Statistics for Mathematicians (bachelor course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks for Mathematicians and Physicists (master course, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Professore dei corsi di allineamento in Matematica per Scienze Biologiche e Biotecnologiche
-Winner of the MIUR's grant FFABR2018 (Fondo di Finanziamento Attività di Ricerca)
-Winner of the Unisalento internal funding
-Membro della commissione d'same di Fisica dei Sistemi Non-Lineari (Martina/Landolfi)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Enabled as "Associate Professor" in Theoretical Physics of Matter by the Italian Minister of University and Research.
-Membro della Commissione d'esame del Dottorato in Matematica, Università del Salento
-Membro della Commissione d'esame del Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Università del Salento
-Membro dell'Editorial Board di Frontiers in Physics
-Visitatore del Santa Fe Institute (ospite del Prof. Sidney Redner)
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Daniele Lotito (II anno)
-Mentore dello studente della Scuola Superiore ISUFI Andrea D'Urbano (II anno)
-Editor (2015-2018) for Nature Scientific Reports (Sections of Chemical Physics and Artificial Intelligence)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Mathematical Statistics (bachelor course in Mathematics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Neural Networks (PhD course in Physics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of "Complex Systems" at the Scuola Superiore
-Professor of "Biological Complexity" at the Scuola Superiore
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Membro della Commissione per l'attribuzione del Premio Soliani per la Fisica Teorica
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Guest Editor for Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical: link to the special issue
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-MIUR Referee ("valutatore") for the Covid-19 pandemia related research project, reprise-certificate
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC starting)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Guest Editor for Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical: link to the special issue
-Member of the Jury for the "Habilitation à diriger des rescherches" of C.N.R.S.
-Member of the Jury for the Ph.D. evaluation at Kavli Intitute for Neuroscience
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Mathematics I (bachelor course for Bio-Faculty, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale per il Dottorato in Nanoscienze, Unisalento
-Selezionato dall'INdAM per afferire al gruppo partecipante alla sua VQR
-Abilitato Professore di Prima Fascia per il settore concorsuale Fisica Matematica
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC, starting)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Scientific Commitee member per la conferenza Stochastic Models for Complex Systems (Mat06-side)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Organized of the workshop "Physics Informed Machine Learning" at the Alan Turing Institute
-Membro del CONISMA
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA 2022 (Novembre 2022, Università di Udine)
-Membro dell'Innovation Board di Mapworms (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, UniSalento, Lecce)
-Evaluator for the European Research Council (ERC consolidator)
-PI of the MECI grant BULBUL: collaboration between UniSalento (Lecce) and Bar-Ilan (Tel-Aviv) to work out AI for health care.
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del CMCC
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-Membro del CONISMA
-Membro dell'Innovation Board di Mapworms (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, UniSalento, Lecce)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA 2023 (Novembre 2023, Sapienza Roma)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor (for biology-applied mathematics) of the Royal Society Open Science by the Royal Society Publishing
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Probability&Statistics (bachelor course in Biology, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course for Engineering, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Artificial Intelligence (master course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-Professor of Complex Systems (PhD course for Mathematics and Physics, Università del Salento)
-PI of the MECI grant BULBUL: collaboration between UniSalento (Lecce) and Bar-Ilan (Tel-Aviv) to work out AI for health care.
-PI of the Salento Pole for the PRIN grant Statistical Mechanics of Learning Machines: from algorithmic and information-theoretical
limits to new biologically inspired paradigms (20229T9EAT)
-Referee for the Spanish Government for the "Spanish Artificial Intelligence Program" (invitation letter)
-Enabled as Full Professor (ASN) in Applied Physics (Biophysics)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
-Referee for the Goverment of Spain (Ministry of Universities) for their research program in Artificial Intelligence
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato SBAI di Sapienza Università di Roma
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Membro del Comitato Organizzatore di AIxIA-2024 (Novembre 2024, UniBolzano)
-Senior Editor (permanent) for Nature Scientific Reports
-Associate Editor of Europhysics Letters EPL
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Associate Editor for Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
-Professor of Partial Differential Equations (master course in Medical and Electrical Engineering, Sapienza, with Prof. S. Carillo)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Dr. M. Pizzorusso)
-Professor of Dynamical Systems (within the course Mathematical Methods for Mechanics: bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Profs. D. Andreucci & E.N.M. Cirillo)
-Professor of Neural Networks & Learning Machines (PhD course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale [Università di Pisa] (come membro rappresentante l'INdAM)
-Membro del Collegio Dottorale del Dottorato SBAI di Sapienza Università di Roma
-Membro dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
-Membro della redazione di Ithaca
-Membro del GNFM(INdAM) & INFN
-Membro del Laboratorio Nazionale di Intelligenza Artificiale (CINI Lab)
-arXiv associate: Moderator for the section Quantitative Biology
-Associate Editor of Europhysics Letters EPL
-Associate Editor for Neural Networks (Elsevier)
-Professor of Analytical Mechanics (bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Dr. M. Pizzorusso)
-Professor of Dynamical Systems (within the course Mathematical Methods for Mechanics: bachelor course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza, with Profs. D. Andreucci & E.N.M. Cirillo)
-Professor of Neural Networks & Learning Machines (PhD course, Engineering Faculty, Sapienza)
-Elected member of the council of the AI Group for Machine Learning of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) up to Dec 2026
Working experiences outside Universities
-Researcher at L.I.F.E. Industrial Group [Laboratories for Information Food and Energy]:
1. 2001-2002 Researcher within the project "Sahara".
2. 2001-2002 Researcher within the project "PvInGrid".
3. 2003-2004 Researcher within the project "PIBE".
4. 2004-2006 Scientific coordinator of the sub-project "Statistical mechanics and atomistic simulation (molecular dynamics) of disordered systems and their link with the trapping of of bio-polyphenols using zeolites” within the main project "Borea".
-Senior Researcher at LIFE (Laboratories for Information Food & Energy).
5. 2014-2015 Scientific coordinator in various projects.
1. 2001-2002 Researcher within the project "Sahara".
2. 2001-2002 Researcher within the project "PvInGrid".
3. 2003-2004 Researcher within the project "PIBE".
4. 2004-2006 Scientific coordinator of the sub-project "Statistical mechanics and atomistic simulation (molecular dynamics) of disordered systems and their link with the trapping of of bio-polyphenols using zeolites” within the main project "Borea".
-Senior Researcher at LIFE (Laboratories for Information Food & Energy).
5. 2014-2015 Scientific coordinator in various projects.
Excellent knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems.
Excellent knowledge of the C language and good knowledge of the Fortran language.
Excellent knowledge of softwares used in common scientific research (Mathematica, Latex, Gnuplot, etc.).
Excellent knowledge of the C language and good knowledge of the Fortran language.
Excellent knowledge of softwares used in common scientific research (Mathematica, Latex, Gnuplot, etc.).
Spoken languages
Italiano & English
Editor for Scientific JournalsSenior (permanent) Editor for:
1) Nature Scientific Reports (Panels: Artificial Intelligence & Chemical Physics), NPG Editorial Board Member for: 1) Neural Networks (Elsevier) 2) Proceeding of the Royal Society (Open Science, UK) Past Editorial roles: 2) Journal of Computational Science (Panel: Machine Learning) 3) Frontiers in Physics (Panels: Social and Network Science) Membro del Comitato Editoriale di: 4) Scienze&Ricerche (divulgazione scientifica in Italia) 5) Ithaca (divulgazione scientifica in Italia) |
Referee for Scientific Journals
1. Nature Communications (NPG)
2. Review of Modern Physics (APS)
3. Scientific Reports (NPG)
4. Physical Review Letters (APS)
5. Physical Review X (APS)
6. PLOS journals
7. Annals of Physics.
8. New Journal of Physics.
9. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
10. Journal of Statistical Mechanics.
11. Journal of Mathematical Physics.
12. Imperial College Press.
13. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
14. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics.
15. European Physics Journal B.
16. European Physics Letters.
17. Journal of Statistical Physics.
18. Bioinformatics.
19. Journal of Physics C: Solid state physics.
20. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems.
21. Neurocomputing.
22. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.
23. International Journal of Modern Physics B.
24. Pattern recognition letters.
25. Scientific World Journal.
26. FEBS letters in Biochemistry.
27. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications.
28. Quality & Quantity
29. Biomicrofluidics
30. Modern Physics Letter B
31. Physical Review E (APS)
32. Medical Research Archives
33. Applied Mathematical Modeling
34. Expert Systems with Applications
35. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
36. The open journal of Cybernetics
37. Journal of Neurology and Neurological Disorders
38. Journal of King Saud University (Science)
39. Physical Review B (APS)
40. Applied Soft Computing
41. Current Medical Imaging Reviews
41. Current Bioinformatics
42. Oxford University Press
43. Journal of Complex Systems
44. IEEE Transaction on Network Science and Engineering
45. Nature Machine Intelligence
46. Heliyon
47. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B
48. Applied Mathematical Modeling
49. Information & Inference
50. Network Neurosciences
51. Brain Science
52. Frontiers in Medicine
53. Frontiers in Neural Circuits
54. Sensors
55. Physical Review Research
56. Neural Computation
57. Clocks&Sleep
58. Neural Processing Letters
59. Machine Learning: Science & Technology
60. The European Physics Journal Plus
61. Mathematics
62. Journal of Computational Science
63. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
64. Micromachines
65. Probability Theory & Related Fields
66. Applied Mathematics and Computation
2. Review of Modern Physics (APS)
3. Scientific Reports (NPG)
4. Physical Review Letters (APS)
5. Physical Review X (APS)
6. PLOS journals
7. Annals of Physics.
8. New Journal of Physics.
9. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
10. Journal of Statistical Mechanics.
11. Journal of Mathematical Physics.
12. Imperial College Press.
13. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
14. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics.
15. European Physics Journal B.
16. European Physics Letters.
17. Journal of Statistical Physics.
18. Bioinformatics.
19. Journal of Physics C: Solid state physics.
20. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems.
21. Neurocomputing.
22. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.
23. International Journal of Modern Physics B.
24. Pattern recognition letters.
25. Scientific World Journal.
26. FEBS letters in Biochemistry.
27. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications.
28. Quality & Quantity
29. Biomicrofluidics
30. Modern Physics Letter B
31. Physical Review E (APS)
32. Medical Research Archives
33. Applied Mathematical Modeling
34. Expert Systems with Applications
35. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
36. The open journal of Cybernetics
37. Journal of Neurology and Neurological Disorders
38. Journal of King Saud University (Science)
39. Physical Review B (APS)
40. Applied Soft Computing
41. Current Medical Imaging Reviews
41. Current Bioinformatics
42. Oxford University Press
43. Journal of Complex Systems
44. IEEE Transaction on Network Science and Engineering
45. Nature Machine Intelligence
46. Heliyon
47. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B
48. Applied Mathematical Modeling
49. Information & Inference
50. Network Neurosciences
51. Brain Science
52. Frontiers in Medicine
53. Frontiers in Neural Circuits
54. Sensors
55. Physical Review Research
56. Neural Computation
57. Clocks&Sleep
58. Neural Processing Letters
59. Machine Learning: Science & Technology
60. The European Physics Journal Plus
61. Mathematics
62. Journal of Computational Science
63. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
64. Micromachines
65. Probability Theory & Related Fields
66. Applied Mathematics and Computation
Referee for Grant's assignment1. Grant reviewer for the German Grant Foundation
2. Grant reviewer for the Vienna Science and Technology Foundation 3. Grant reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research 4. Grant reviewer for the Europen Research Council 5. Grant reviewer for the Italian Minister for Education and Research |
Organized events (Workshops, Conferences, etc.)
- Workshop “Spin glass identities” held at the Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (23- 24/02/12) co-organized with Proff. Pierluigi Contucci and Francesco Guerra.
- Conference “Five decades of theoretical physics: Looking forward looking backward” held at the Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (27-28-29/09/12) co-organized with Proff. Marcella Diemoz, Enzo Marinari, Giorgio Parisi, Giancarlo Ruocco.
Download List of Participants Download Locandina Download Abstracts or Download Bedge (amarcord moment) (2012) - Workshop “Physicist investigation in immunology” held at the Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (15-11-2012) co-organized with Elena Agliari.
- Satellite Conference at the 13 European Conference on Complex Systems “Modelling the complexity of the Immune system”, co-organized with Elena Agliari, Alessia Annibale and Prof. Ton Coolen at World Trade Center of Barcelona (2013).
- Conference “Mathematical Physics: Theory & Applications” held at the Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, co-organized with Elena Agliari (11/2014). Download the Program
- Conference "Scent of Copulas", Rettorato, Università del Salento, co-organized with Proff.s Fabrizio Durante & Gianfausto Salvadori,
Download the Program (2018) - Conference "Guerra80: a conference about Peace and Love for Science", Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma, co-organized with Proff.s Enzo Marinari, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi Download the Program (2022)
- Conference "Stochastic models for Complex Systems", Monastero degli Olivetani, Università del Salento, co-organized with Proff.s Fabrizio Durante & Gianfausto Salvadori, details to appear (2023)
Invited Talks and Attended Conferences (38 invited talks, in grassetto i titoli dei miei interventi)
Francesco Letter,
Giorgio Letter
- (2004) Invited talk: King's College London (UK), Department of Mathematics. "Cavity expansion around the critical temperature for mean field models with quenched disorder".
- (2005) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Bologna. "Aizenman-Contucci polynomials from Aizenman Variational Principle".
- (2005) Invited talk "Italy-Usa symposium: Interchange between M.I.T. and Sapienza students", Roma. "Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics for soft matter rheology".
- (2006) Two-time visitor at "Newton Institute for mathematical science" during the programme "Principles of the dynamics of non-equilibrium systems" Cambridge (UK).
- (2006) Invited Talk: GCI Group, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma. "Analitical Methods for Statistical Mechanics of systems with quenched disorder".
- (2008) Invited Talk: YEP-V workshop (Young European Probabilists) "Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures" EURANDOM, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. "Exploring the rheology of soft glasses at a mesoscopic level".
- (2008) Invited Talk at Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "Logit Estimation Parameters avoiding Maximum Likelihood".
- (2008) Invited Talk at Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "On the critical behavior of the mean field ferromagnet with dilution".
- (2008) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma. "Statistical mechanics techniques for solving equilibrium thermodynamics of complex systems".
- (2009) Workshop on Statistical Mechanics and Applications, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna.
- (2009) Conference: “Evolution and complexity”, Sapienza Università di Roma. Poster: "Strategic diffusive dynamics for information spreading in social networks".
- (2009) Invited talk: Conference: YEP-VI Banf, Canada. "An overview on double stochastic stability: application to bipartite and Hebbian models".
- (2009) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna. "Neural networks with analogic synapses".
- (2009) Invited Talk: King's College London, Department of Mathematics. "The replica symmetric behavior of the analogical Hopfield model".
- (2010) Invited Talk: Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna. "Autopoietic immune networks: a statistical mechanics perspective".
- (2010) Invited Talk: Workshop "Complessita' in Scienze della Vita e Scienze Socio-Economiche". "A walk from Burnet to Varela: statistical mechanics and bio-complexity".
- (2010) Invited talk: Conference "Statistical Physics of Complexity, Optimization and Biological infomation", Paris-Orsay, France. "A role for theoretical physics in modeling complex biology".
- (2011) Invited talk: Conference: Assemblea Nazionale GNFM, Montecatini. “A.L.P.S.: A thermodynamical perspective”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Panmind Lab. Siena. “A.L.P.S.: A thermodynamical perspective”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Workshop: Managing complexity, reducing perplexity. Heidelberg (Ge). “Relations among lymphocytosis and autoimmunity through statistical mechanics”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Department of Immunology and Allergology, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma. “Jerne versus Kitamura: A twenty years old puzzle analyzed by statistical mechanics”.
- (2011) Invited Talk: Randall Division for System Biology, London, UK. “Jerne versus Kitamura. A twenty years old puzzle analyzed by statistical mechanics”.
- (2012) Invited Talk: Conference: “Disorder in Probability and Statistical Mechanics”, Modena. “A statistical mechanics approach to migrant's integration phenomenon in social science”.
- (2012) Workshop “Spin glass identities” held at Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma (Organizing committee A. Barra, P. Contucci, F. Guerra).
- (2012) Conference: “Mechanics: Classical, statistical and quantum”. Conference in honour of Giovanni Galavotti 70 birthday. Roma
- (2012) “Conference: Five decades of theoretical physics: Looking backward looking forward”, Conference in honour of Francesco Guerra 70 birthday. Roma. (Organizing committee A.Barra, M.Diemoz,E.Marinari,G.Parisi,G.Ruocco).
- (2012) Invited talk: Moma Colloquia, 2-hours lecture presso Mathematics Department of Sapienza Università di Roma. “The problem of self/non-self recognition by mature B-cells in theoretical immunology from a statistical mechanics perspective”
- (2013) Invited talk at CNR Rome "From theoretical models to practical implementations: Statistical mechanics of immune networks on Labs on Chip technologies”
- (2013) Invited talk at the Workshop INdAM “Mathematical models & Metods for planet heart” "Highlighting the importance of mathematical methods in social prevention: Two simple examples from the worlds of migration phenomena and medical screening procedures”
- (2013) Conference: “Large deviations and rare events in physics and biology”. September 23-25, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2013) Organizer and chair of the satellite roundtable at: European conference on Complex Systems and Satellite: Theoretical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-20.
- (2013) Conference: Disorder and correlations in quantum systems, September 18-20, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2013) Conference: The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo, September 12-13, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
- (2014) Conference: Biophysics @Rome 2014. I opened the Conference with the talk "Finitely connected lymphocyte networks within the Immune System"
- (2014) Conference: Conferenza Nazionale di Fisica Matematic (GNFM Annual Meeting) Montecatini May 2014.
- (2014) Summer School in Mathematical Physics: Scuola di Ravello (Settembre 2014).
- (2014) Fourth workshop in Stochastic modeling, ICMC - USP, San Paulo, Brasil, (Novembre 2014), talk "A walk in theoretical immunology with statistical physics glasses"
- (2014) Conference: Mathematical Physics, From theory to applications, Sapienza University of Rome (September 2014). Together with E. Agliari I am the organizer.
- (2014) Tullio Levi Civita Lectures 2014, Sapienza University of Rome (October 2014).
- (2014) International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, INSTICC (opener and chairman of the last section). Talk: "A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks
- (2014) Fourth workshop on stochstic modeling, Sao Paulo, Brazil (November 2014), invited talk "The problem of systemic anergy in lymphocytes networks".
- (2014) Invited talk at Universidade Federal de San Carlos (Brazil) "Sum rules and interpolation techniques for extensive parallel molecular processing".
- (2015) Trimester Henri' Poincarè "Disordered System, Random Spatial Processes and Some Applications": invitated long term to joinn the community (Contribution as a talk "Quantitative Sociology and Economical Complexity: are time ripes to merge them?"
- (2015) Invited talk at Institute de Neurosciences des Systemes (Marseille, Luminy FR) "Biological information processing on hierarchical and scale free networks"
- (2015) Invited talk at Biophysics@Rome2015 (CNR, Rome) "Stochastic (bio)-logic gates: computing with allosteric cooperativity"
- (2015) Invited talk at the conference "XIX Brazilian Shool on Probability", Sao Paulo (Brazil), August 2015 "Mechanical analogies in Statistical Mechanics".
- (2015) Invited talk at the Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience (directed by Prof. W. Gerstner) at ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE, December 2015 "Parallel processing and multitasking capabilities in Hebbian Biology"
- (2015) Visiting the Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics (directed by Prof. P. De Los Rios) at ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE, December 2015.
- (2016) Invited talk for a 1-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence at Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna). January 2016 "Exploring biological information processing trough statistical and analytical mechanics".
- (2016) Invited talk at Institute non-linéaire di Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France) Feb2016 "A walk in biological information processing with mechanical shoes: one shoe is Statistical and the other is Analytical".
- (2016) Invited talk at the Mathematics Department of Warwick University March 2016 (Complexity Forum Seminars) "Hierarchical neural networks and parallel processing"
- (2016) Invited talk at the Randall Division (King's College London) March 2016 "A novel perspective on mathematical modeling of information processing occurring in biological reaction kinetics."
- (2016) XLI Summer School of Mathematical Physics, GNFM-INdAM, Ravello September 2016
- (2017) Talk at Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento "Uno sguardo alle reti neuronali da una prospettiva di meccanica statistica"
- (2017) Invited talk at "Critics: Critical Transition in Complex Systems", Università del Salento "Symmetry breaking and Andronov-Hopf bifurcation"
- (2017) Invited talk at INdAM workshop "Modeling and computational approaches to biology and medicine" (MOBI2017), Rome June 26-28 "Statistical mechanics of lymphocyte networks"
- (2017) Invited talk at Julich Research Center (Germany), June 3: "Neural networks that learn, unlearn and dream"
- (2018) Invited talk at Nanotech CNR (Salento) "A statistical mechanical perspective on biological cybernetics"
- (2018) Invited talk at "Settimana della cultura scientifica" Unisalento "Intelligenza Artificiale e computers: analogie e differenze"
- (2018) Invited talk at the Conference "AI-DAY@Northumbria University", Northumbria, UK "A walk in the world of ANN"
- (2018) Invited talk at the "Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience" Thrhondeim, Norway "A walk in the world of ANN"
- (2019) Invited talk at the Pi-Day (the Mathematics due day) Unisalento, IT "The need to sleep in Hebbian intelligences"
- (2019) Invited talk at Université Sergy-Pontoise (Paris), FR, "Some novel results in the statistical mechanics of neural networks"
- (2019) Invited talk at CEDAM-CNR, IT "The Maximum Entropy Principle at work in some problems of biological flavor"
- (2019) Invited talk at the conference "Predictability and control in evolution" Stockholm (Sweden), "Some recent results in machine learning via statistical mechanics"
- (2019) Invited talk at the conference "Statistical physics and machine learning", Guanzoo, Canton (China), "Prohibitive Signal-to-Noise Pattern Recognition and Signal Detection" (Guangzhou, China)
- (2020) Invited speaker at the Colloquium in the Math Department of Bologna University "A rationale of artificial intelligence via shallow networks".
- (2020) Invited speaker (long term stay) at the Isaac Newton Institute during the programme "Random Phenomena & Dispersive Hydrodynamics" (talk to be defined), Cambridge, UK [COVID-cancelled]
- (2020) Invited speaker at ICTP Conference "Youth in High Dimensions", Trieste, Italy [COVID-cancelled]
- (2020) Invited talk at the conference "TurboFlow" organized by INFN and CNR, Roma, Italy "A rationale of artificial intelligence via shallow networks".
- (2020) Conference "Mathematical methods and models in Machine Learning", Bologna, Italy [Covid-Cancelled].
- (2020) Workshop "Stochastic models for complex systems", Salerno, Italy "Effective stochastic processes to estimate reactivations of some infections" (online only)
- (2021) Conference "3rd international conference on machine learning and intellingent systems (MLIS2021), Beijin "A statistical mechanics perspective on artificial intelligence" (blended conference, my talk online) Link2theTalk
- (2021) Invited talk at the "virtual joint probability seminars between Lehigh University, Northwestern University, and University of Minnesota", "Neural Networks: some recent rigorous result" (online only) Link2theTalk
- (2021) Invited talk at the "GNFM PhD Seminars" "An informal chat on neural networks and learning machines" (online only) LinkToTalk (password: 5M+XeVi6)
- (2022) Workshop "Physics-informed Machine Learning", Alan Turing Institute (London, UK): I am one of the organizers and I'll share the talk "Ten years since the duality between neural networks and learning machines: where do we stand?" posticipated to 2023 due to Cov19
- (2022) Workshop "Dispersive Hydrodynamics", Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK), "PDE approaches in the statistical mechanics of neural networks" link to webpage
- (2022) Workshop "AI-Colloqium", Università di Pisa "A chat on statistical mechanics of neural networks and learning machines"
- (2022) Conference "Guerra Ottanta" (Sapienza, Rome). I am one of the organizers, with Enzo Marinari, Giorgio Parisi & Federico Ricci-Tersenghi. link to webpage
- (2022) "INTheory“ on-line seminars "Statistical mechanics of supervised Hebbian learning" invited by Guangzhou University, China
- (2022) "Complex Systems Seminar" at Bar-Ilan University "Universality of information processing by shallow neural networks". L2WP
- (2023) Workshop "Physics-informed Machine Learning", Alan Turing Institute (London, UK): I am one of the organizers and I'll share the talk "Ten years since the duality between neural networks and learning machines: where do we stand?" link to webpage
- (2023) Workshop Ulich Zentrum (Germany) "From synapses to transistors" link to webpage
title of the talk "From synapses to transistors: the random shallow limit" - (2023) Conference "Biomechanical outsourcing new disciplines", Naples, 24-27 September 2023 link to webpage
title of the talk "Collective migration of leukocytes" - (2023) Cortona Conference "Mathematical Physics of Complex Systems" Cortona 12-16 June 2023 link to webpage
- (2023) Conference "Stochastic models for Complex System", Lecce (Organizers: A. Barra, F. Durante, G. Salvadori) link2wp
- (2023) Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence and Privacy", Università del Salento, 14 Luglio 2023, I'll share the talk "AI for healthcare: a broad perspective"
- (2023) One-day on-line-only workshop "Glassy Statistical Mechanics and Machine Learning" organized on the behalf of the Alan Turing Insitute (October 09 2023) [I am the organizer]. link to webpage
- (2023) Invited talk at RoMaDs events (Roma2) "a walk in the statistlcal mechanics of neural networks" link to webpage
- (2024) Invited talk at "Mathematics for AI and ML" Bocconi University 17-19 January 24 link to program
- (2024) Invited talk at "Dialogs on neuronal networks" 31 January 2024: Istituto Superiore di Sanità Roma 31 January 24 link to program
- (2024) Conference "From machine learning theory to driven complex systems" Lousanna, Switzerland, 22-24 May 2024 webpage
- (2024) Conference "Joint meeting of the American Math Society (AMS) and the Unione Math. Italiana (UMI) Palermo July webapage
- (2024) Conference "Mathematical Physics and Beyond" at Alma Mater Studiorum (Bologna, 15 May) link2webpage
- (2024) Conference "Rocking'AI: Roccella Conference of Inference and AI", (Roccella Jonica, 2-6 September) link2webpage
- (2024) Conference "Italian Network for Computational Neuroscience", ISS (Roma, 23 September) link2webpage
- (2025) Workshop "Italian national meeting UMI-Math4AIML" (Bari, 29/30/31 Jan 2025) link2webpage
Francesco Letter,
Giorgio Letter